Department of Defense (DoD) Secretary Pete Hegseth halted all sex change procedures or services for all armed forces members, according to a Feb. 7 memo released Monday. Hegseth directed senior Pentagon officials to enforce compliance with President Donald Trump’s executive order forbidding personnel with a “‘gender identity’ divergent from an individual’s sex,” which includes halting […]
President Donald Trump last week announced a new task force dedicated to eradicating anti-Christian bias
in the federal government.
Trump noted that the federal government under President Joe Biden
“engaged in an egregious pattern of targeting peaceful Christians while ignoring violent, anti-Christian offenses.” The new president pledged not to “tolerate this abuse of government” and announced what he called the Task Force to Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias.
On cue, the Left condemned the new task force, ignoring the many instances of anti-Christian bias Trump cited in a fact sheet.
These responses only serve to underscore the reason such a task force is necessary in the first place.
Trump cited numerous examples of anti-Christian bias, which these critics largely ignored. He noted that pro-life Christians received multiyear prison sentences for peacefully protesting at abortion centers, while the Biden Justice Department largely ignored hundreds of attacks on Catholic churches and pro-life pregnancy resource centers. He noted the notorious FBI Richmond, Virginia, memo
that suggested traditional Catholics represented a domestic terrorism threat. He also cited the Health and Human Services Department’s move to force transgender orthodoxy in foster care.
Finally, the president noted that the Biden administration declared Easter Sunday
“Transgender Day of Visibility.”
These actions may seem irrelevant to secularists who balk at the idea of saying “Merry Christmas,” but they represent a federal government demonizing Christians while at the same time favoring their ideological opponents.
Yes, Anti-Christian Bias Is Real
Critics often dismiss the idea of anti-Christian bias. After all, about 63% of Americans self-identify as Christian, according to the Pew Research Center
. How could the government be biased against the majority of Americans?
Such criticisms obscure the real phenomenon. Most Americans may identify as Christian
, but far fewer actually attend church, read the Bible regularly, and follow what Scripture teaches even when it is unpopular. Until quite recently, the Left’s approach to social issues has been in the driver’s seat in the culture—and in many mainline Protestant and even some Catholic churches.
“Although Christianity is the largest religion in the United States, a small, but growing, body of work indicates that in certain social areas Christians face real discrimination,” sociology professors George Yancey and David Williamson write in their book “So Many Christians, So Few Lions
: Is There Christianophobia in the United States?”
The professors found that “Christian fundamentalists experience more relative animosity than most other social groups.” Their research finds that many Americans are biased against conservative Christianity or “fundamentalism,” and those who have high levels of social power trend toward Christianophobia.
“Anti-fundamentalists are more likely to be white, well-educated, and wealthy,” but the factor that most connected to Christianity in their study is politics. “Nearly half of the anti-fundamentalists in our sample were political progressives.”
The top determining factor for anti-Christian bias in their study is support for same-sex marriage.
“Even among those who do not particularly like sexual minorities, people are more likely to support LGBT rights if they do not like conservative Christians,” Yancey, one of the sociologists, explained in a separate article
. “In other words, my data seem to indicate that there are people who support sexual minorities’ rights because they dislike—or even hate—conservative Christians.”
This study does not prove or even suggest that most Americans who support LGBTQ causes harbor animus toward Christians, but it helps illustrate the real nature of anti-Christian bias: It’s a hatred of conservative Christians who believe what the Bible says about homosexual activity and biological sex, not a hatred of everyone who claims to follow Jesus.
This study also helps explain the hatred some transgender activists harbor against Christian schools and churches. A female who identified as male targeted a Christian school in Nashville
for a mass shooting in 2023. Another transgender activist in Illinois, this time a male who identified as female, threatened to rape the daughters of Christians
in girls restrooms.
It seems likely the transgender movement has hypercharged anti-Christian bias, and that’s exactly what the Biden record suggests.
The True Biden Record
Many of those who claim the Biden administration didn’t target Christians focus on Biden’s self-identification as a Roman Catholic and the fact that Biden regularly attends Mass. Yet Biden and the bureaucrats in his administration firmly supported abortion and gender ideology. Their policies alienated and even demonized conservative Christians who disagree with their positions on those issues.
As the book explains, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division prosecuted more than 50 pro-life protesters who attempted to dissuade women from having their unborn babies killed in the womb. Meanwhile, the division largely ignored the vandalism and violent attacks against 96 pro-life pregnancy resource centers and pro-life groups in the wake of the leak of the Supreme Court’s June 2022 opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade.
The law DOJ used to prosecute the pro-lifers, the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, is supposed to apply equally to abortion facilities and pro-life pregnancy help centers.
This egregious double standard echoed the mentality of pro-abortion groups that helped staff the Biden administration.
Yet the FBI’s notorious memo about “radical traditional Catholics” revealed an even worse bias against conservative Christians. The FBI’s Richmond office wrote a memo suggesting connections between racially nmotivated violent extremists and “radical traditional Catholics.” While the FBI’s national office rescinded
the memo as soon as a whistleblower published it, the memo had cited the Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left activist group that compares mainstream conservative Christians to the Ku Klux Klan.
As I recount in my first book, “Making Hate Pay
: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” the SPLC gained its reputation by suing KKK groups into bankruptcy, but when it ran out of grand dragons to slay, it started identifying conservative groups as “hateful,” placing them on a “hate map” alongside Klan chapters. The SPLC has condemned conservative Christian groups such as the Family Research Council and Alliance Defending Freedom as “anti-LGBTQ hate groups,” but last year it even applied the label to a group of homosexuals who reject transgender orthodoxy—Gays Against Groomers
A former employee called this a “highly profitable scam,” and the “hate map” inspired a terrorist attack in 2012. The SPLC is currently facing a powerful defamation lawsuit
regarding the map.
Yet when Biden entered office, federal agencies asked the SPLC for advice on combating the “domestic terrorism threat.”
As “The Woketopus” recounts, the SPLC had close ties with the Biden administration, with leaders and staff going to the White House at least 18 times and Biden nominating an SPLC lawyer to a top federal judgeship.
When the SPLC listed the Ruth Institute as an “anti-LGBTQ hate group,” it presented as evidence a quote from the institute’s founder. That quote came directly from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, suggesting that if the SPLC were to be consistent, it would have to brand the entire Catholic Church
a “hate group.”
The fact that Biden’s administration welcomed a far-left group that compares Christians to the Klan because of their conservative views arguably speaks the most clearly to the anti-Christian bias in the past administration.
Yet Trump also mentioned a few other examples. He noted a Biden administration rule requiring that potential foster parents embrace transgender orthodoxy
in order to provide a home for kids in the foster system. The rule determined that if potential foster parents refused to “affirm” a child’s stated transgender identity, that constitutes child abuse. This logic denies conservative Christians the ability to care for the less fortunate just because they disagree with gender ideology.
Finally, Trump mentioned the celebration of “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter Sunday. Biden had commemorated the transgender day in previous years, but he made no effort to separate it from Easter in 2024 when the transgender event overlapped with Easter (the date of which varies based on a lunar calendar). The Biden administration dedicated far more fanfare to the transgender celebration, making Christians feel like second-class citizens in their own country.
The Human Rights Campaign, a prominent LGBTQ activist group that has pushed corporations to adopt its rhetoric through its “Corporate Equality Index,” released a “Blueprint for Positive Change” as a roadmap for Biden policy in 2020. The Biden administration carried out at least 75% of its recommendations, according to my analysis.
Anti-Christian Bias Is Still A Problem
Biden is no longer president, of course, but that doesn’t mean the animus against conservative Christians will suddenly disappear from the federal government.
Many of the elite institutions that push transgender orthodoxy remain very active in civil society. The SPLC and Human Rights Campaign—two of the groups I describe as arms of the “Woketopus”
—have pledged to sue the Trump administration to block its policies opposing gender ideology.
Despite the SPLC’s many scandals, The Washington Post
and USA Today cited SPLC
as an authority when countering Trump’s attacks on the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” movement. While Trump opposes DEI because it encourages Americans to judge one another based on their skin color, rather than on merit, the Post quoted SPLC President Margaret Huang in calling the DEI attacks “a new twist on an old, racist and misogynistic idea—that women, black and brown people, and other marginalized groups are inherently less capable.”
Similarly, The New York Times editorial board
savaged what it called Trump’s “Shameful Campaign Against Transgender Americans.” The editors condemned Trump’s declaration that the U.S. will reject gender ideology and embrace the truth that there are only two biological sexes.
While Americans oppose men competing in women’s sports
and experimental transgender medical procedures for minors, the editors condemned Trump’s efforts to follow the public on these issues. Even though more than half of the men who identify as women in Wisconsin’s women’s prisons have been convicted of at least one sexual assault
, the editors lamented Trump’s rule that “transgender women in custody … be housed with men.”
If these outlets portray transgender activists as victims, who are the villains? That’s easy: It’s those mean conservative Christians who refuse to kowtow to gender ideology.