Liberal media outlet inadvertently explains benefits of Trump’s economic plan

Leave it to MSNBC to ferret out “The biggest difference between Trump’s and Harris’ economic pitches .” According to a recent MSNBC opinion piece with that title, “Trump is obsessed with the macroeconomics, big-picture, 10,000-foot view of the economy” while Harris offers a “microeconomic pitch,” with specific polices to improve Americans’ economic circumstances. 

Respectfully, the piece does not make the point its author thought he was making. 

Particularly in this election year, no one should criticize a presidential candidate as “obsessed” with addressing macroeconomic issues such as inflation, wages, interest rates, economic growth and the deficit. 

The Biden/Harris administration’s failure to effectively address these very issues resulted in massive inflation, declining real wages, stifling interest rates, a surging federal deficit, and an almost incomprehensibly large national debt. 


American voters will likely insist that the next president have a better plan to address those issues. 

And there’s the rub – Harris doesn’t have one. She has unabashedly praised the current plan, a failed big government hodgepodge of massive spending and increased regulatory pressure called Bidenomics

In fact, when asked in a recent interview how she would govern differently from Biden, she conceded that “nothing comes to mind.” So much for being the change candidate.

Lacking an effective macroeconomic plan, Harris has opted for targeted policies designed to assuage voter groups Biden/Harris economic policies have harmed – that’s the so-called “microeconomic pitch.” 


Feel like grocery prices are too high with inflation up over 20%? Harris will attack nonexistent price gouging to show she cares.

Can’t afford that new home with interest rates triple what they were when she took office? Harris will give you $25,000 to ease the pain.

Are you trying to support yourself and your parents in the inflation-ridden Biden/Harris economy? Harris will expand Medicare to reduce that pain. 

Harris’ latest concern is that she’s losing the votes of Black men , many of whom are supporting Trump with his proven record of providing jobs and opportunity and increasing real wages. That is, policies that empower them to improve their lives. 


So, Harris is offering what she calls an “Opportunity Agenda for Black Men,” including “fully forgivable” loans of “up to $20,000” for “Black entrepreneurs,” and the legalization of “recreational marijuana” to create “opportunities for Black Americans” in this “new industry.” 

Seriously, free money and legal marijuana. You couldn’t credibly make this up.

Even Left-leaning economists, media outlets and campaign surrogates have criticized many of these policies as political pandering, gimmicks, unrealistic or simply bad economics – and they are. 

But the real problem is not with a particular policy’s merits or demerits. The problem is that Harris has no consistent economy wide (that is macroeconomic) plan. 

Rather, like the little Dutch boy, Harris’ approach is to put her fingers in the economic dam to assuage specific suffering voter groups – hoping that the macroeconomic dam doesn’t break, at least not before the election.


MSNBC did get one thing right – Trump is obsessed with macroeconomic issues. His plan is to spur economic growth by cutting taxes , slashing growth killing regulations, and incentivizing domestic energy production, including fossil fuels.

It’s a plan that will improve the overall economy, benefiting all Americans regardless of their income, race or sex as it did in his first term. To paraphrase President Kennedy, a rising economic tide lifts all boats. Trump has a rising tide economic plan. Harris does not.

To blunt Trump’s macroeconomic advantage, the MSNBC piece criticizes Trump’s “bid to end taxes on overtime pay” as “pandering.”  But tax cuts are an important part of Trump’s macroeconomic plan. 

Trump wants to cut taxes for everyone – particularly people who work hard (no tax on overtime), provide superior service (no tax on tips), or have worked hard all their lives (no tax on Social Security benefits ). 


These tax cuts target no race or sex and have the advantage of being good both economically and politically. In fact, Harris has already adopted Trump’s no tax on tips proposal as her own. Something the MSNBC piece ignores.  

Finally, the MSNBC piece claims that Trump’s “absolutely favorite” economic solution “is to slap crippling tariffs on imports to the U.S.” But if tariffs are so crippling, why did the Biden/Harris administration keep in place Trump’s tariffs from his first term and then dramatically increase them in September to 100% on electric vehicles, 50% on solar cells and 25% on electrical vehicle batteries, critical minerals, steel, aluminum, face masks and ship-to-shore cranes. Not to mention increased tariffs on other products, including semiconductor chips, over the next two years. 

Well, here’s why – according to Biden/Harris administration Trade Representative Katherine Tai, these stiff tariff increases are a “legitimate and constructive” tool for re-invigorating U.S. businesses. 

Who knew?

We’ve had nearly four years of economic frustration and pain due to the Biden/Harris administration’s failed economic policies . As the MSNBC piece inadvertently points out, Trump has a macroeconomic plan for that, Harris does not.


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GREG GUTFELD: Kamala Harris’ town hall had to be orchestrated

So last night, Kamala held a town hall, and it had all the spontaneity of synchronized swimming. I wonder, would the audience be able to ask questions? 

WOMAN: Are we going to be able to ask a question?

MARIA SHRIVER: You’re not, unfortunately, we have some predetermined questions , and I hopefully — I’ll be able to ask some of the questions that might be in your head. I hope so.


Yeah. Sorry, toots. Sorry, toots, you’re just a prop. Come on. We didn’t even give you a primary and you think we’re going to let you ask unscripted questions? Hell, Kamala can’t even answer scripted questions if we give her a week in advance. 

So right off the bat, we got the lay of the land. Another manicured platform for Kamala to blurt out her now-legendary word salads . I mean, this broad ought to come to every event with a side of ranch and a bag of croutons. Still, these things cannot be overlooked.

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: These things cannot be overlooked. And I have said many times publicly, and I’ll say it again — in many, many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man.

Yeah, an unserious man. How rich coming from the candidate who is half-Indian, half-hyena. But it’s Trump who’s the unserious person? You know, the guy that built half the NYC skyline, has already been president, quite successfully, I might add. 

A guy who raised a beautiful, successful family that anybody would be proud of. A man who has literally taken a bullet for a job he didn’t even need.

A man who our adversaries admit they respect and even fear. Yet he’s the unserious one? You dizzy, dumba**. And look at Liz Cheney sitting there . She looks thrilled. It’s like she’s thinking, “I quit my political party and all I got was this lousy wino.” 

But look, I watched the town hall for only one reason: hoping to hear one more time about the nature of a democracy, where I think there’s a duality.

HARRIS: The nature of a democracy is such that I think there’s a duality. On the one hand, there’s an incredible strength when our democracy is intact and incredible strength in what it does to protect the freedoms and rights of its people. There’s great strength in that. And it is very fragile. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it.

I never get tired of hearing that. And she never gets tired of saying it.


HARRIS: You know, I think that there’s a duality to the nature of democracy. When it’s intact, it’s so strong — so strong in its nature, and it’s very fragile. | There’s a duality to the nature of democracy. On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact, incredibly strong and incredibly fragile . | The nature of democracy, there’s a duality to it. On the one hand, it’s very strong. When a democracy is intact, it is also very fragile.

Look, Kamala, if you’re going to recycle old crap, at least dress it up a bit. Tyrus’ idea as always — bongos.


HARRIS: The nature of a democracy is such that I think there’s a duality. On the one hand, there’s an incredible strength when our democracy is intact and incredible strength in what it does to protect the freedoms and rights of its people. There’s great strength in that. And it is very fragile. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it.

Yeah. Now, to most people, she sounds stupid. But is she really? Jim Geraghty at National Review suggests maybe she isn’t. He says “the caricature of Kamala Harris as a bumbling dunce makes it easy to underestimate her.” 

It’s kind of like how you root for Jesse Watters , despite his glaring incompetence. I mean, look at that. Jim also claims that her skill is really getting Democrats “emotionally invested in her.” It certainly worked with Willie Brown. 

But that’s more than a joke. It’s a fact — that getting Dems emotionally invested in her means she gets others to do the work she won’t do, whether it’s Willie Brown or willing Brown voters. See what I did there? I know. But I get what Jim’s saying. Don’t just say, “Wow, she’s just a dummy.”

Because even if you’re right, no one’s going to hear it. People do the same thing with Trump. They overlook his actual deeds and focus on his words. Take the latest: Trump calling Democrat leaders the “enemy from within.”

CNN’S JIM ACOSTA: Congressman, do you consider Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi to be the enemy from within?

MSNBC’S JOY REID: Trump doubled down on his Hitler talking points about the “enemy from within.”

CNN’S JAKE TAPPER: Donald Trump repeatedly referred to prominent Democrats and others on the left in the United States, American citizens, as “the enemy from within .”

MSNBC’S ALI VELSHI: Donald Trump has been given opportunity after opportunity to either downplay or clarify his comments about what he called the “enemy from within.”

MSNBC’S JOE SCARBOROUGH: A major party candidate calling his political opponents “the enemy within.”

All that douchebag outrage, even though Democrats not only said the same thing about enemies within, but they actually acted on it. Remember when these a-holes claimed there was extremism within our military ? It was big news until the threat was debunked and the story went away. 

Or what about the scourge of White privilege and systemic racism that labeled the majority of people, again, within the country, as oppressors and in need of serious reeducation; that gave us a divided country, DEI and a s*** ton of terrible Disney movies. 

And don’t ever forget what they did to anyone during the pandemic who dared to question their BS policies and their lies.

So save your outrage. Trump calling Pelosi and Schiff the “enemy within” is peanuts compared to calling tens of millions of Americans the enemy from within. Hell, you even jailed a bunch of them while letting actual enemies from within: murders, arsonists and rapists, go free, which created a new demand on the American public. 

We now must be diligent all the time: when we’re on the streets, on public transportation, about what our kids are being taught in school , who’s in our restrooms, who’s coming into the country. 

It’s a lot of pressure on us, and we’re ready to blow. So that’s why the town hall had to be orchestrated. You can’t have ordinary people asking a phony candidate questions about the last four years. 

It had to be stage-managed just like it was the last four years, because if you knew the truth, then you’d see the enemy within in all its glory, and you’d toss it out on its lying a**. 

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