Kamala Harris wants this Black man’s vote. Why can’t she treat us like the Americans we are?

For the past 25 years, I have spent nearly every day on the South Side of Chicago instilling the values of hard work, responsibility and accountability into the minds of young Black men. That is why I have been stunned by the baldfaced efforts by the Democratic elites to undercut these American values with their patronizing efforts to win the Black male vote. 

What makes this so egregious is that these Democrats know the truth. They know that their policies of dependency and racial engineering over the last 60 years have failed miserably. They know, in their hearts, the role they played in betraying Blacks by sinking them into permanent Black underclasses all around America. They know about the difficult work of uplift by American values that men and women like me are doing in these communities. Yet they’ll betray all that by appealing to our weakest nature for a vote. 

How dare they call themselves our champions, say they’ve got our backs? 


Former President Barack Obama recently told Black men to get out and vote for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, because “women in our lives have been getting our backs this entire time when we get in trouble.” 

Get in trouble? Is the former president associating Black men with criminality? And is he saying that we’re misogynists and race traitors if we don’t vote for Harris? If Obama cannot see us as men, as individuals, as Americans with the same interests — inflation, jobs, infrastructure — as anyone else in this nation, then that’s a reflection upon what he truly thinks of us and nothing more. 

A few days after the former president’s comments, Harris released her “Opportunity Agenda for Black Men.” Among the things she offers is “$1 million loans that are fully forgivable up to $20K.” A vow to “protect cryptocurrency investments so Black men…know their money is safe,” and a pledge to “legalize recreational marijuana .” Oh, and she also threw in mentoring services, perhaps to try to offer the vestige of respectability to what is otherwise another handout program, plain as day. 

Why can’t she treat us like the Americans we are? If you give any race up to $20K as a forgivable loan, there will always be corruption, people taking those funds with no intent of paying it back. And that corruption will be used against our race. Remember all that money given out after Hurricane Rita and how it backfired on Blacks despite many of them using it for housing and food? 

If you want to make progress, then stop treating us as the exception to the rule. I tell the youth in my neighborhood that there are consequences for every bad decision made. And I enforce those consequences. That’s how they learn responsibility. 


Perhaps the most insulting thing is that Harris equates “opportunity” with legalizing recreational marijuana.” Think about that — opportunity and recreational in the same sentence. “Opportunity” is not recreational. Opportunity is woodshedding, burning the midnight oil, never giving up, and it is the pathway to a better life. It is not to be trivialized as Harris does with pairing it to weed. And why does she, like Obama, associate the criminal element of weed with Blacks? Is that what these Democratic elites think of us? 

They don’t know us. If they did, they would see the work that we are doing on the South Side. We’re working with troubled young men and women, helping them turn into productive citizens who work in construction or as electricians, fork lift drivers, media artists, and entrepreneurs. We’re so much more. 

Then last week, after Harris’ promises, I saw CNN political contributor and former Obama adviser Van Jones’ video on X calling Harris’ plan a “love letter to Black men.” He goes on to thank her for giving Black men “some respect..some concern and some care and consideration…we needed some mamala from Kamala.” 

All I have to say to this is, where did our self-respect go? Have we forgotten the pride we had when we saw Black Americans rise from nothing to reach the stars? Michael Jordan . James Brown. Miles Davis. We changed the world; we made our influence felt world-wide. Go to another country and you’ll see our influence there. Yet, despite living in the freest nation in the world, we’re begging the government to help us. We’ve reached the new low of dressing up entitlements and dependency as a love letter. 

I refuse to be bamboozled any longer. My vote, along with the rest of the voters in my neighborhood, is not cheap. We value our votes and, most of all, we value ourselves as upstanding citizens who want what is best for our nation. 

It is time for the Democrats admit their failures and start treating us like the America citizens that we are.


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From exploding pagers to ‘honey trapping,’ how Israel runs its clandestine operations

Last month, Israel stunned sci-fi and espionage genre junkies by brilliantly executing another daring, sophisticated covert operation, in which it eliminated dozens of Hezbollah terrorists across Lebanon . To achieve their mission, sometimes Israeli spy services take advantage of their targets’ reliance on or fear of technology. Sometimes, they exploit human psychology and weaknesses. Here’s how.

The September operation was said to be conceptualized by Israeli intelligence around 2020, when the now dead Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah issued an order to his fighters to replace mobile phones with pagers and walkie-talkies. His concern emanated from Israel’s successful use of geolocation capabilities embedded in cell phones for targeted assassinations of terrorists. Nasrallah repeated his warning as recently as eight months ago, when he referred to cell phones as “lethal collaborators.” 

“Disable it, bury it, lock it in a metal box,” he said in a speech posted on YouTube on Feb. 13.

Shortly after Nasrallah’s order to augment security by going low-tech came about, Israeli intelligence launched a multi-year complex clandestine operation. A network of front companies posing as an international pager manufacturer was set up, which serviced ordinary commercial clients and Hezbollah. It included a front company in Hungary, which manufactured pagers on behalf of a Taiwanese company, and two additional shell companies. 


Multi-layer security was intended to protect the identities of the Israeli intelligence operatives who were producing the pagers specifically for Hezbollah. Unlike the standard production process used for the regular clients, pagers intended for Hezbollah were produced separately and contained batteries laced with PETN explosive. The front company started shipping pagers to Lebanon in the summer of 2022. 

This past summer, thousands of pagers were in the hands of Hezbollah operatives, who were supposed to carry them at all times to stay in communication with their commanders. Instructions were supposed to be given to the terrorists about where they should deploy when combat operations begin.

When the pagers started beeping across Lebanon at 3:30 p.m. on Sept. 17, an alert that looked like a message from high command appeared on its screen. It was followed by an explosion, killing or maiming the owner of the pager and those nearby. As a result of the Israeli operation, 2931 people were wounded and 37 killed, according to Lebanese authorities

High-tech is not always the go-to method for Israelis. Some missions require more traditional methods. Honey trapping in intelligence operations parlance is a form of sexpionage, the oldest type of spycraft. Using the art of seduction, a “honey pot” – typically a very attractive lady, who in reality is an intelligence operative, establishes a false romantic relationship with the target. Depending on the mission of the operation, the target, typically a male, is lured by the honeypot and kidnapped for the purposes of interrogation, prosecution or assassination. Sometimes, the target is blackmailed, based on the incriminating photographs revealing his sexual relations with the “honey pot,” into providing secret information to or otherwise working as a double agent for the foreign intelligence service.

An audacious clandestine operation involving honey trapping was ran by Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service focused on foreign threats, in 1986. A nuclear technician, Mordechai Vanunu, who worked on Israel’s top-secret nuclear weapons program at Dimona plant in the Negev Desert, went rogue. Having smuggled classified photographs of the production facility where plutonium was separated, he traveled to London to disclose the program to The Sunday Times. His goal was to build international pressure on Israel to shut down its clandestine program. Israel’s nuclear policy is intentional ambiguity. It, therefore, has not declared its nuclear capability and is officially not a nuclear power.


Mossad deployed a female agent, Cheryl Bentov, to London to seduce Vanunu and exfiltrate him to Israel. Bentov, a U.S.-born attractive blond, code name “Cindy,” posing as an American tourist from Florida, met Vanunu during a sightseeing tour at Leicester Square in London. They had a coffee and arranged to go to the cinema. Eventually, “Cindy” lured Vanunu to travel to Rome for a romantic weekend. (Running a covert operation was safer for Mossad in Italy rather than on British soil.) Upon arrival, Vanunu was apprehended by Mossad operatives, drugged and smuggled on a yacht to Israel where he was put on trial for treason. Having served 18 years in jail, 11 years of it in solitary confinement, Vanunu was released in 2004 but is not allowed to travel outside of Israel.

Using female agents for honey trapping operations is acceptable but not for sexual purposes. “We flirt, but the line is drawn at sex, said a senior female operational commander in the Mossad named Yael in her interview with The Times of Israel in 2012. 

Explaining that women have certain “advantages” over men, she added, “A man who wants to gain access to a forbidden area has less chance of being allowed in… A smiling woman has a bigger chance of success.” However, Rabbi Ari Schvat ruled in 2010 that illicit sex for the sake of national security is kosher for Mossad female agents, calling it a “spiritual blessing” but only if “there is no other solution, and only after asking explicit religious permission from a leading halachic authority.” 

Sometimes, even after years of hunting for a specific target, operational success can be elusive without random good luck and an assist from good Samaritans. Such was the case of Mossad’s capturing of the Nazi monster Adolf Eichmann, memorialized in the famous movie “Operation Finale.” Eichmann was the chief architect of Hitler’s barbaric project Final Solution to the Jewish question, in which 6,000,000 Jews were murdered. Eichmann was in charge of the identification, selection and transportation of Jews from across Europe to their final destination at extermination camps.

In 1946, following the end of World War II, Eichmann escaped from a prison camp where he had been incarcerated by U.S. forces. He eventually settled in Buenos Aires, Argentina, under a false identity and lived an ordinary life with a wife and four sons while working at a Mercedes-Benz factory. Destiny would have it that one of his sons began dating a teenage girl whose Jewish father was a Holocaust survivor. The girl eventually became suspicious that her boyfriend, who had kept the family last name Eichmann, was indeed the son of the notorious Nazi criminal.

After multiple attempts, the daughter, Sylvia Hermann and her blind father, Lothar, succeeded at convincing Israeli intelligence that they had identified the right guy. In May 1960, Mossad deployed a team of 11 agents to Argentina, where, after tracking Eichmann’s movements for days, they kidnapped him, drugged him and smuggled him out of Argentina on a forged Israeli passport. As part of the operation, the Mossad agents sedated Eichmann and disguised him as an Israeli airline EL AL flight attendant who fell ill. In Israel, Eichmann was put on trial and executed by hanging on May 31, 1962. Without the tip off from the good Samaritans, the Nazi monster may not have been captured and brought to justice.


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Three reasons why Trump’s plan to indict Harris over illegal immigration is the right call

It’s two weeks until Election Day and the New York Times thinks former president Donald Trump is making a big mistake by hammering home how he’ll tackle illegal immigration. Polls, after all, show voters care more about the economy and inflation than the millions of people allowed to enter our country illegally while Kamala Harris has been the Border Czar.   

My view: never underestimate Trump’s political instincts. Yes, Americans have been whacked by a 20%-plus increase in prices while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have occupied the White House, and surveys do show voters anxious about the economy. 

But it is the ten or 20 million people who have been allowed to cross into and stay in our country illegally that gets crowds riled up; it is the fentanyl deaths and terror threats and the cost of undocumented people disappearing into our society that has animated the Trump candidacy ever since that famous ride down the escalator at Trump Tower in 2015. For good reason: Americans know it is wrong.


A recent Scripps News/Ipsos poll found over half of respondents, including 58 percent of independents and even 25 percent of Democrats, say they support mass deportations – an unthinkable response at any other time in our welcoming country – and that for 39%, illegal immigration is their top issue. 

Politically, there are three reasons why Trump is right to double down on the issue. First, the Biden-Harris White House opened the border intentionally, ignoring the consequences until polling showed the issue might cost them the election. This was not an accident, and voters are rightly holding them responsible. Second, Vice President Harris is indelibly linked personally with having allowed this offense to the nation. Like it or not, she was popularly dubbed the “border czar” and she epically failed to meet the challenge. Third, if Harris becomes president, she would doubtless allow tens of millions more migrants to enter the country, increasing the dangers and costs of a swelling illegal population. After all, Harris told the hosts of “The View” that she cannot think of a single thing she would change about the past three-plus years; presumably, that includes our open border.

We cannot afford to let that happen.

Out-of-control illegal immigration has cost this country dearly, and we will be dealing with the aftermath for years to come. Blue cities like New York and Chicago have been hit with rising gang-related crime and the soaring cost of feeding and housing people who arrive unable to work here legally. These cities already have stretched budgets, thanks to high taxes, terrible schools, rampant crime and anti-business regulations that have driven individuals and businesses to flee. The last thing New York or Chicago needs is another hole in their budget.

It isn’t just large blue cities bearing the burden of the millions of new arrivals; it’s also small towns like Norfolk, Massachusetts, population 11,000, where state officials reopened an unused low-security prison to house hundreds of Haitian migrants.  At a town meeting , one woman whose son had lost his health insurance, angrily cried out: “I’m an American citizen. Americans should get help first.” Her voice resonates.

President Joe Biden opened the border by issuing some 90 executive orders, like halting construction on Trump’s border wall, mostly undoing measures taken by his predecessor to curtail illegal crossings.  He knew what he was doing.


Only in the past few months has Biden finally moved to reduce the influx of migrants. House Speaker Mike Johnson recently told the New York Post that he had “begged” President Biden to restore Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, which had required migrants to stay south of the border while waiting for their immigration court hearings. Putting America last, Biden demurred, explaining that “Mexico doesn’t want that.”  As Johnson rightly told Biden, “…you’re the president of the United States. It doesn’t matter what Mexico wants.” 

The obvious question is: why would any White House permit this flood of illegal migrants into the U.S.? There can be only one answer. Clearly Biden, Harris and their party’s colleagues expect that over time these new arrivals will be granted a path to citizenship and will become Democratic Party voters. Every bill they have offered that supposedly deals with border security prioritizes providing that path. Democrats have uniformly voted against measures making it harder for non-citizens to vote and in some areas, like New York, have passed laws allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. 

Imagine Democrats’ dismay when it turns out that Hispanics in the country legally are furious about the open border . It is their neighborhoods being wrecked by crime and their workers threatened by low-wage off-the-books hires. They are angry that they did the hard work of coming into America legally, while undocumented migrants are being given free food and housing. A survey earlier this year of Latino voters show 82% want a crackdown on human traffickers and drug smugglers at the southern border and 58% demand an expansion of additional border patrol and security funding (58%). 

That’s why Donald Trump is earning a higher share of the Hispanic vote than any Republican candidate in decades. Many Hispanics blame Kamala Harris , aka the “border czar” for the mess despite the V.P.’s revisionist claim denying culpability. She claims she was charged with ferreting out the “root causes” on migration, and to that end implored U.S. companies to invest in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Such measures might ultimately bear fruit, but realistically have zero chance of reducing illegal immigration any time soon. She knows better.  

Voters heading to the polls in coming days have a stark choice: allow Harris to open our border once again or elect Trump , who will close it immediately. As he (and Democrats historically) has repeatedly said, we want legal immigration into our country, preferably of people chosen for their potential contributions, not illegal. We will soon see if that’s what voters want, too. 


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