By the Way, Kamala Harris Is a Dangerous Authoritarian

With some hard work, pluck, the right boyfriend, and a bit of genetic luck, Vice President Kamala Harris has found her way onto the presidential ballot without having to secure a single primary vote. Don’t tell me the American dream is dead.

Sure, Harris is a demagogue who speaks in cringy, swirling, impenetrable platitudes. And sure, according to President Joe Biden , Harris was an identity hire. But “Morning Joe” says we’re not supposed to talk about any of that. So, let’s discuss her record and stated positions.

It seems like a lifetime ago that Biden named Harris his running mate. What you may not recall is that the media tried to gaslight us into believing the California senator was another apolitical dealmaker.

Former Clinton fixer George Stephanopoulos said Harris was “the middle-of-the-road, moderate wing of the Democratic Party.” The New York Times called her a “pragmatic moderate,” while The Associated Press focused on her “centrist record.” And so on.

A “small-c conservative,” one Washington Post columnist wrote.

The only problem was, according to GovTrack, Harris’ record in the Senate was to the left of red-diaper baby Bernie Sanders . She was least likely of any senator to join in any bipartisan bills.

That’s fine. Bipartisan bills are the pits. Harris wasn’t handed a Senate seat by her former beau and California political kingpin Willie Brown to waste her time legislating with a bunch of pinheads. She was there to run for the presidency. In her truncated first term, few excelled more at smearing their political opponents.

Remember when Harris moderately accused Brett Kavanaugh of gang rape?

This false perception of moderation stems from Harris’ time as prosecutor and attorney general. Harris liked to brag about using “a huge stick” as a prosecutor in San Francisco, where she regularly threatened poor parents with jail time in her efforts to craft social policy—which wasn’t her job.

It’s true that Harris threw a lot of people in jail to bolster her political fortunes. Some of them likely innocent. And judging from her disposition, she would throw a lot more people into jail, if she could.

When pro-life journalist David Daleiden published videos of Planned Parenthood executives nonchalantly discussing the selling of body parts, Harris had his home raided, seized evidence, and then tried to throw him in prison. She later teamed up with the abortion mill to write legislation that would squash the free speech rights of other pro-lifers.

Like any good authoritarian, Harris enforces whatever laws she sees fit to enforce whenever she sees fit. One of the reasons Harris allegedly opposed the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was that the judge “consistently valued narrow legalisms”—which is to say, respected the Constitution—”over real lives.”

Harris was never one for legalism. When candidate Biden argued that Harris’ promise to issue an executive order unilaterally banning access to certain guns would be unconstitutional, she retorted: “I would just say: Hey, Joe, instead of saying ‘No, we can’t,’ let’s say, ‘Yes, we can,’” before cackling at the very notion that presidents couldn’t do whatever they wanted.

As a national candidate, Harris said she believed immigration laws should be treated as civil, rather than criminal, offenses. As a candidate, Harris supported abolishing private health insurance—”Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on,” she told CNN. In addition to nationalizing health care and education, Harris wants the government to control the manufacturing sector, the auto industry, food … and any industry that emits carbon.

Harris was in favor of getting rid of the filibuster to overturn state voting laws, nationalizing abortion on demand until birth, and passing the Green New Deal—an authoritarian takeover of the economy written by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., which would ban all fossil fuels, force Americans to retrofit every building in the country, eliminate air travel and meat, and create government-guaranteed jobs, among many other authoritarian measures.

On foreign policy, we don’t really know, though we can guess. This week, Harris wouldn’t even greet Benjamin Netanyahu , the prime minister of the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. She didn’t sit behind him during his speech to Congress.

A few weeks ago, the same Harris said antisemitic, pro-Hamas campus protesters showed “exactly what the human emotion should be.” In the past, she has openly protested with Islamic Republic propagandists from the National Iranian American Council. To be fair, in some ways her disposition comports more with the latter than the former.

When I say Harris is an authoritarian, I’m not contending she’s Hitler. I am saying she is a fan of obedience to authority, especially of Democrat-run government, at the expense of personal freedom in ways that are deeply un-American. That’s a bad trend in politics, in general, but it’s difficult to think of many politicians more wedded to the idea than Kamala Harris.


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The Bloodless Coup of Joe Biden Will Not Work Out Well for Democrats

The Democratic Party ruling class’ bloodless coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, who also happens to be the nominal sitting president of the United States, is one of the most astonishing political developments of my lifetime.

Joe Biden, though clearly physically and mentally impaired, has sought the presidency for quite literally longer than I have been alive. Biden had been defiant ever since the June 27 presidential debate debacle that he was not going anywhere, despite overwhelming pressure from party elites and sycophantic media lap dogs demanding he do precisely that. He has a Lady Macbeth-like wife who craves power and he has a felonious son in desperate need of a presidential pardon.

Yet the coup succeeded. Biden became the first incumbent president to not seek reelection after his first term since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968.

Biden made the much-anticipated announcement not with a solemn Oval Office address—that came three days later, and he didn’t even explain his decision. Rather, he issued a bedridden tweet—from a personal, not even official, account.

It’s the equivalent of divorcing your wife over text message. As if that weren’t crazy enough, the announcement came smack in the middle of a five-day period in which Biden was not publicly seen, and during which he apparently experienced an unspecified medical emergency. Suspicious much?

The Democrats’ decision to coup their own president is a curious one on the political merits.

Hold aside the galling hypocrisy of the purported party of “democracy” trying to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot under an outlandish constitutional theory while simultaneously attempting to bankrupt, prosecute, and incarcerate him on equally spurious grounds.

Hold aside the self-proclaimed party of “democracy” feigning ignorance over how its overheated rhetoric laid the seeds for their political opponent’s recent near-assassination and its continuing to depict that opponent as an existential threat to the American constitutional order.

And hold aside that purportedly “democratic” party deposing its own presumptive elected nominee—a stark reversal from its presidential primary, when party pooh-bahs worked hard to shut out all viable competition. Somewhere in Minnesota, Dean Phillips would like a word.

Hold all that aside. Because even on its own terms, the coup of Biden for cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris is going to spectacularly backfire on the Democrats.

Already, Democrats and the corporate media have been working hard to “define” Harris for the American people. At times, this has included some rather dubious retconning, such as magically pretending she wasn’t the Biden administration’s appointed “border czar.” (She was.) But the even bigger problem for Democrats is that Harris is not an unknown commodity. On the contrary, she is a very well-known commodity—one who just happens to be about as popular with the American public as venereal disease.

Harris’ current average approval rating is under 38%, and an NBC News poll last June found her to be the single least popular vice president in American history—only 32% of Americans had a positive view of her, putting her 17 points underwater.

Harris’ 2020 presidential campaign was an absolute dud, self-imploding well before the first primary votes were cast. And as recently as a month or two ago, Democratic elites were openly discussing whether she could still be dropped as Biden’s 2024 running mate . Funny how quickly one can go from weakest link to great savior of “Our Democracy.”

Practically, the path to winning 270 Electoral College votes still runs through the Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. It is frankly bizarre for Democrats to swap out the man who talks ceaselessly about his hardscrabble Scranton, Pennsylvania, upbringing for a Californian who boasts the most left-wing voting record of any presidential nominee in modern history.

Do Democrats really think Harris’ support for the Green New Deal and a national fracking ban will play well in the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania, or in the auto factories of Detroit? Will white working- and middle-class voters concerned about skyrocketing crime look favorably upon Harris’ enthusiastic support for the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots, which racked up $2 billion worth of property damage?

It’s not that Uncle Joe, seemingly about to keel over and die at any moment, found himself in much better political shape. But in addition to the gross hypocrisy of their coup that has dealt yet another fatal blow to their specious claim to “defend democracy,” Democrats have also set themselves up for political failure. They would have been better off trying to limp across the finish line with their grievously wounded incumbent of a nominee rather than changing horses midrace.

The 14 million people who voted for Biden in the Democratic primaries ought to be livid. Rust Belt voters ought to be bemused. But Trump and running mate JD Vance ought to be ecstatic.


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WATCH: ‘Kamala’s Baggage’ on ‘The Tony Kinnett Cast’

On the latest episode of “The Tony Kinnett Cast,” we ford a river of radical statements from the de facto Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris . From retiring carefully chosen terror terms and buddying up with a corrupt union president to plagiarizing the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Harris leaves no baggage uncarried.

Hudson Crozier , a reporter for The Daily Signal, also joins us to explain the federal lawsuit against a Texas doctor and whistleblower that has exposed child experimentation at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Both Harris and former President Donald Trump are campaigning from state to state and see varying levels of success as new demographics come into play for both candidates.

With President Joe Biden ‘s sudden withdrawal from the race, which strategy is the winning one? And is the Nov. 5 presidential election in the bag for either candidate, or down to the wire?

We look at your latest questions in “Mail Time ,” from queries on cars to electoral policy, in true Hoosier fashion.

Catch the live radio show and livestream weeknights at 7 p.m. EDT on The Daily Signal’s YouTube , X , or Facebook .

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JD Vance acknowledges white supremacist attacks against wife Usha

Vice presidential hopeful Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) acknowledged the white supremacist attacks against his wife, Usha Vance , who is a child of Indian immigrants.

“Look, I love my wife so much. I love her because she’s who she is,” he told Megyn Kelly on her show Friday. “Obviously, she’s not a white person and we’ve been accused, attacked by some white supremacists over that. But I just, I love Usha.”

Usha Vance has faced a slew of far-right attacks targeting her Indian heritage following her husband’s nomination to the Republican ticket.

“Who is this guy, really? Do we really expect that the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is going to support white identity?” prominent white supremacist Nick Fuentes said of Vance after former President Trump announced his running mate.

Fuentes was invited to Mar-a-Lago by Trump in November 2022, stirring a firestorm of criticism.

Vance has not publicly condemned the attacks, and in his comments Friday was more critical of liberal commentators who have blasted his past comments about traditional family and gender roles, calling the criticism “disgusting.”

“She’s such a good mom,” Vance added of his wife. “She’s such a brilliant lawyer and I’m so proud of her. But yes, her experience has given me some perspective on the way in which it’s really hard for working families in this country.”

Stop AAPI Hate, a coalition working to fight injustice against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, said it observed a flood of racist comments after Usha Vance stepped into the spotlight at the Republican National Convention.

“We are seeing a dangerous pattern of political leaders, conservative commentators, and far-right extremists blatantly targeting South Asians,” the group told Politico .

Vice President Harris, who is half Indian, has also faced racially charged questions about her electability as she has emerged as the likely Democratic candidate against Trump.

“As bigoted attacks against Usha Vance and Vice President Harris grow — including efforts to pit them against each other — it’s clear that the political leaders and others fueling this hate are completely disregarding the safety and wellbeing of Asian American and immigrant communities,” Stop AAPI Hate said.

Vance on Friday also responded to public anger over past comments he made degrading Harris for being “childless.” During the interview, he lauded his own wife for continuing her career with children.

“My own wife is a working mother. You hear leftist say JD wants to keep women in the home. My own wife, I’ve supported her career for my entire life,” he said. “This is about criticizing the Democratic party for becoming anti-family and anti-child.” 

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Over Three-Fifths of Americans Believe Kamala Harris Covered Up Biden’s Health Issues, Polls Find

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—More than three-fifths of Americans believe Vice President Kamala Harris was involved in covering up President Joe Biden ’s declining health, two polls found.

Biden announced  Sunday that he was dropping out of the presidential race, and Harris secured  enough verbal support from Democratic National Convention delegates on Monday to be the presumptive nominee. The polls, conducted after Biden’s withdrawal but before his Wednesday speech to the country, showed a supermajority of Americans think Harris was involved in concealing Biden’s declining cognitive and physical condition.

poll  by YouGov for The Times  showed that 54% of respondents believed that Biden’s health issues were covered up, with 68% of those respondents saying they felt Harris had “a great deal” to do with concealing the truth about Biden’s health. Another poll conducted  by The Democracy Institute and Daily Express US found that 62% of Americans felt Harris “lied” to the American public about the president’s health.

The YouGov poll was conducted between July 22-23, surveyed 1,170 registered voters, and has a margin of error of 3.2%. The Democracy Institute/Daily Express US poll was done of July 24, surveyed 1,200 likely voters, and has a 3% margin of error.

Democrats began calling for Biden to step aside following a poor performance in a June 27 CNN debate  with former President Donald Trump , where he froze and lost his train of thought. Actor George Clooney noted in a July 10 New York Times op-ed  that Biden, at a June fundraiser prior to the debate, “wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020,” but “the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”

Trump leads Harris by 1.9% in a national head-to-head matchup, according  to the RealClearPolling average of polls from July 5 to 24. Trump’s lead grows  to 2.8% when Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein and independent presidential candidates Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are included in surveys.

Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation

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